The tales of the traveling MOMS and other adventures...

Friday, September 5, 2008

I can touch dead people

So I'm taking an anatomy class this semester, and we work with cadavers. SO COOL!!! Yesterday was my first lab, so we didn't really do too much besides learning where everything is in the lab, but we looked at one of the bodies, and it was amazing. I kept thinking about all those Buffy episodes where they're in a morgue and all of a sudden one of the dead people jump up because they're a vampire now. That hasn't happen. Yet. But when it does, I'll be prepared. All I need is a good Mr. Pointy....

Dead people feel weird. And look weird. Everything was this tan-ish color. I guess I expected the muscles to still be red, and you know, everything to be colorful like they are in the books. Speaking of books, my anatomy book is sweet. I love looking at all the pictures. Maybe this is a good sign that I should work in a physical therapy setting.

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