The tales of the traveling MOMS and other adventures...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Hobbies, New Wind

I've decided that this next chunk of time in Cleveland [right now, that is] I will make a larger effort to do several important things. Because, hey, if I have to spend the night alone and without a night job...maybe I should consider doing something productive with that time.

This is what I have decided:

1) I will put REAL clothes on every night. Even if it's just for a little while, and even if it's just for the benefit of saying to myself, "well Kara, if you did have to go somewhere, you would look presentable. Down right cute, even, you dashing dresser you." And let's face it, normal people do not put on pajamas at 5:30 pm. Unless they are a) sick b) pathetic c) poor and can't afford any clothes except pajamas.

2) I will actually hang all of the pictures and posters that I STILL have laying around the place from August. [Side note: I hung 4 pictures today and 5 yesterday. PROPS TO ME.]

3) I will clean things when they are dirty instead of thinking, hmm....that thing is dirty. Gross. And then walking away. [Small victory: Today I bought an empty plastic spray bottle, filled it with mostly water and a bit of bleach, and sprayed the shit out of the plastic shower curtain and the moldy cracks in the bathtub. It already looks better. YAY.] {double side note: I think I may have a slight but progressing obsession with the bleach spray concoction. I keep finding new things that look "dirty" to spray it on. Help.}

4) I will do something productive and sometime creative each night that I am not working. These things could be the same thing (see below). For example: today, I took myself on a date to Whole Foods. [Yes, Whole Foods counts as a date. 1-my boyfriend is not here to take me on dates so I have to take myself and 2-Whole Foods is wonderful and makes me feel safe and happy. Like a good date should. More to come on this subject later.] Also, today I hung pictures, as I previously stated. So, to recap, I did something productive: grocery shopping, and something creative: decorating.
I also colored.

5) I will cook more. Cooking something delicious will count as productive AND creative. Double frickin whammy. Booya.

6) I will make more friends. I need to a) hang out with Laura's friends and be a friend leech more often. b) Make better friends with the other company members. c) somehow find friends elsewhere? ... suggestions?

7) Possibly get a night job, since I am not teaching I took preliminary steps toward working at the Victoria's Secret by my apartment. I will do my best to work this retail job in both cities...and also to try and keep my soul intact.

Seven is enough for now.


Goodnight! xoxo

THIS JUST IN: I took the liberty of changing the look of the blog. I hope you like it! Feel free to change it if you have better ideas :D


Anonymous said...

1. I also change into pajamas almost immediately after I get home. However, I've decided this is still ok since I wear business casual everyday.
2. I'm very proud that you hung lots of pictures today! :)
3. Please don't spray yourself with the bleach water. If you look dirty, just take a shower
4. I go shopping when I'm lonely too, except my only option is Walmart... :/
5. We should all cook something fancy, post pictures, and then vote whose food looks the best! (this could be difficult as I'm guessing we'll just all vote for our own dish)
6. This is why people start collecting dolls.....
7. Ben just found an ad on craigslist posted by a guy in Cleveland looking for a girl to pose as his fake girlfriend so his parents would stop bugging him about meeting someone.

I LOVE the new look! I'm very impressed with your creative explosion :)

Kara Marie said...

OMG I WANT TO BE THAT GUYS FAKE much is he paying?

He's probably a serial killer.

I like your food idea...we have to first get everyone on the blog though...this is taking longer than I thought...COME ONE GUYS!

I used to collect dolls. *_* ...I guess you could say I still do, since they are all at my parents' in a glass-doored dresser thing...