So this past week I decided to redecorate my room, to make it look more like a room, rather than a jail cell. And here are the before and after pictures! You can guess which one is before and which one is after.....
And here are 10 facts about my current life in school/Massachusetts:
1. I have the worst karma (Car-ma) with cars. WORST. Short story: My car had been dead for a few weeks, it wouldn't jump, AAA came and said it was the old battery, so I got a new one from them. Car died 2 days later. Same thing happened again yesterday. Now I'm waiting until monday to take it to a repair shop and we'll see. summary: BAD "CAR-MA".
2. We average 2 exams a week, which is FUN!!!
3. I have been above the average on every exam so far!
4. We have to learn how to use library databases and such at this school, so we have about 4 lectures in the semester about this = HUGE waste of time. For example, this past wednesday, we had one of these lectures where we watched an ENTIRE episode of Star Trek to prove a point about research or something. (thought you'd like that one Kara :D )
5. I have not found ONE person here that listens to The Beatles. It makes me horribly sad.
6. I made Irish Soda Bread today :)
7. I am currently living in Worcester = Woostah. Crazy east coast people spell things crazy and pronounce them a COMPLETELY different way.
8. I got to Dunkin' Donuts EVERY DAY. This is super bizarre because I don't think I had ever been to a DD before coming out here, but they literally have them at every corner. It is INSANE.
9. I had my first simulated patient in my Patient Assessment lab this week. Basically, they hire actors to come in and act exactly like a real patient and we have to interview them and such, it was neat and SO realistic!
10. We have Monday off and then 2 weeks (which includes 5 exams...) until Spring Break and seeing one of my favorite MOMS!
That is all for now. That was a pretty real post right?
Signing out and miss you all,
Nora, PA-S (this is how we have to sign our notes PA-student wahoooo)
MOM!! I absolutely love your bird-cling. Can I have it... can I? hahaha.. my room is so boring compared to yours.. some day maybe I will be a better interior designer, but for now...
I will live vicariously through you
WOW MOM I love your new non-jail cell room!!! Did you buy a new comforter and the wall sticker? SO CUTE!
Also, which mom are you seeing on spring break?? What are you doing?
I miss you so much, all the time. I wish we were all still living together.
OK someone needs to invite me on my new email address to be an administrator or author or whatever on this blog. The blog has stopped letting me sign in on my aquinas account...I have no idea why...but now I can't make posts?!
my new email is:
please someone send me an invite!
I am seeing NICOLE! She is coming to visit from friday-tuesday of my spring break!
I miss you too, I really really do. I won't be home again until May :( hopefully we can all see each other then!
I'm very impressed with your decorating skills. Are you sure you're not secretly attending interior design school? :)
Of COURSE you're above average on all your exams :)
Have tons of fun with Nicole! What are you guys going to do?
That room is so cute! I really miss you guys. We should really try and live together one more time....just for a little bit? PLEASE!?!?!
And we are going to go look for DADS when I'm in WOOOSTAAAHHH!!!!!
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