Hi Everyone!
So, it is a sunny Sunday mid-afternoon and I am pretty happy. It is the first weekend in a while that I have had time to relax a little bit and enjoy the simple things. Well, just wanted to up-date a little since my first post (almost a month ago). Now that I have some free time and don't feel like doing my homework quite yet.
As you all know, Brad and I went to Florida a couple weeks ago for Spring Break, which was a blast...we took it pretty easy and mostly just enjoyed laying out by the pool and at the beach, and went for nice walks and went out for some nice dinners. We went to the HardRock Casino, where we both lost money, but we dressed up fancy and drank at a Hooters, bah ha ha... it was probably my favorite part of the trip. The last day we went snorkeling in the ocean, which was so fun, but the water was freeeezing! All in all, it was fabulous but now I am poor :(, but worth it! Coming home to cold Michigan weather has left me feeling blahhhh. There are signs of spring, but frozen rain storms and freezing temps are just nooooot cutting it yet. I am starting to feel the itch for summer bbqs and being outside!! and I can't wait to go golfing!
School has been about the same... doing well as far as I know. I am taking an Animal Tissue culture lab, and we get to culture cells and learn how to properly grow them and passage them so that we can obtain this immortalized cell line... like HeLa!!! If you have not read, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, I would HIGHLY recommend it! Anyways, last class we had to sacrifice a chick (which was still in the egg and prob around two weeks old)... it was pretty sad and discusting... we had to tear it's head off and then mince the body into tiny pieces. :( Poor lil birdy.
But..... good news, my lab professor for that class is pretty much going to hook me up with a summer job/internship working with some scientists at the MSU health building right next door to the GVSU health building. Nothing is set in stone yet, but he is going to send me some papers from a few different people who I could possibly work with. I am really excited for this and hope that all goes according to plan! If it all works out I get to continue living in GR this summer, and hopefully keep babysitting as well :) Cross your fingers for me... and hope that luck is finally going my way. (Thanks Pupitar~!! you are a Star)
I guess that is really all that is new with me. I am still trying to work out as often as possible..but had about a two week furlough after spring break... but am getting back into it a routine and hoping to see some more weight-loss :) I will be sure to up-date on my progress if any drastic goals are met!
I miss you all so much and hope that a Mom reunion is in the works soon... but if not then hopefully I can continue reading up on your life using our blog!!!
Love you all- <3
I miss you so much! I'm so glad you get to be a cool thientith this summer with the internship! That's so exciting.
I love your pictures from your trip with Brad :) so nice.
I miss you, I miss you! I come home in ONE MONTH. REPEAT ONE MONTH. So we should all definitely try to plan something! I'll be home for 2 weeks!
You're pretty, love you!
mom! I get to see you tonight!
I'm also very jealous of your trip with Brad...I wish I could:
1) go on a trip. Because I miss warm weather and palm trees and I'm sick of Michigan.
2) Go somewhere with Jeff. bah.
I am so glad you are going to be around in GR for the summer! I know it's selfish but I really want to see you when I come home. :D
Yes, Nora! We should plan something! I miss you all terribly! Did you say May 10th? Is that what I should plan on? I need to see you! SOOOO stressed. Miss my MOMS! Listening to Beatles constantly. I forgot what a good song "Don't Let Me Down" is! And yes, Becca... I think it is spring!!!!!!
Hopefully I didn't jinx it.
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