The tales of the traveling MOMS and other adventures...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Just a quickie...

Hello friends!

Today is my day off so I thought I'd show you some picture evidence from my life...

This is my room!
Here's a view of Wexford...

Here's the other side...
Here's a picture of the last time I saw Jamie, which was on his 30th birthday in Columbus, OH... where he is working at OSU until they send him to Switzerland to work.  Which will be at the end of this month!
Here's a picture of Jamie singing at an open mic night...

I was there too!

Here's a picture of the flowers that were delivered to my office yesterday...

So, there.  Proof.  That I am alive! and very well! And a short note to those that don't already know this...I'm insanely happy and completely in love! 


Anonymous said...

Aww this is great. So adorbs :) I'm so happy for you mom and I CAN'T WAIT TO VISIT!

AND I'd love to hear you and the Jamster sing together :)


Kara Marie said...

You guys are so freaking adorable! I love that you sing together. I think that is the best thing ever.

I'm also glad you are still talking and madly in love. I think the last time we talked you were thinking about not seeing him for a long time, are you still planning on that?


Becca said...

He is so cute. <3 You are beautiful. miss you!

Lisa said...

I need to meet him!! I love that you two sing together. Sometimes Karl and I have farting contests. That's cute, right?