The tales of the traveling MOMS and other adventures...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hi. So I don't have energy for a post...

yet, but in the interim here is a for-fun vlog of mine that I did a while back.  It's about SPACE!

Most of my videos are not as 'production value'-esque, but this one does at least have some artistic merit (maybe).  The first thirty seconds or so is a sort of joke with an online friend, and the rest is just sorta scenic :)

Hope u lyk! Less than 3 to you all dear friends~


PS Larger screen is better than this tiny embedded one!  FYI


Lisa said...

Watching you laugh makes me laugh : )

What's the black box in the corner on the front porch?

How does it feel to be the only male writer on this blog?

Apparently we're playing 20 questions?

Bjork : )

ful said...

BJORK! LOL that's your new name :-)

it was an old TV. either that or it's that black box the pilots used and um a plane crashed. and that's all that was left. Yeah.

So my dad just had a heart attack while I was inexplicably sleeping, and I just blocked my moms phone from calling mine over the weekend. also I have a "appt" with the "guidance" counselor type person at school to discuss why my life sucks. Oh, and its mandatory...thus, "counselor" lol. why does my life read like a bad day xyz novel novel?

Kara Marie said...


p.s. is that the Robinson house at the beginning?

Kara Marie said...

Your dad had a heart attack?? I'm sorry to hear that! Is he ok?

p.s. you look like a mad scientist in most of the video ;)

ful said...


And yes. I lived there when I came home briefly last summer.

ful said...

I'm sure he's fine. I'll find out more in the morning.


ful said...

so Bjork, I forgot to answer your most important question: how do I feel about being the only boy creature in the blog? well, it's been an honor, um. it's been a privilege. and if I didn't get enough estrogen from my sewing products now I'm surely soaked to the bone.
SOY. I meant soy products.
I don't have any sewing products.