The tales of the traveling MOMS and other adventures...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm so excited!!

I just figured out a way to shorten my school time. I get to graduate in 1.5 years instead of 2! I don't know why I didn't think of it before, but all I had to do was shuffle some classes around. Now I can graduate after Fall '09 and start my internship. Maybe I'll be able to do it in GR ;) ;) That would be SWEET. Anyways, I was really excited and wanted to share my joy :)

Sunday, June 1, 2008



we need to campaign kyle into joining this blog. It may not be easy. It may not be fun. It may not even be easy fun. But it will be WORTH IT.

So here's the plan:

Keith. you live with the man. ENCOURAGE HIM. every time you see him. every day. all day. all night. give him the computer with the right page up and beg him to sign up. Tell him you need to stay in touch from Philly and if he loves you he will join.

I, of course, have some leverage. I may be using that leverage soon.

Lisa, you must call Kyle and beg him to be your blog friend. Tell him you miss him and you never talk to him and Kalamazoo is far away from Grand Rapids.


I will expect full reports. soon.