The tales of the traveling MOMS and other adventures...

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Five.

Friday is the 5th day of the week therefore I will be posting 5 things about this week. Just because. Here I go. Here I go.

1. Yesterday, I pretty much performed an entire autopsy on my own. The medical examiner was there helping me out, but I took out all of the organs and pretty much dissected all of them myself. IT WAS SO COOL. On another note, I performed an autopsy on a 10 day old decomposing body last week. All I can say is: so. many. maggots.

2. This week I officially decided that I am obsessed with The Big Bang Theory. I can't stop watching it and drinking wine. Science nerds and alcohol? What's not to like?

3. I went to a pottery painting place in Boston earlier this week and painted this alien (on the right). There is also a dinosaur that I want to paint the next time I go. You can also bring alcohol and food to this place. I'm sure we have places like this back home but I had never been to one so it was awesome!

4. I made sweet potato and black bean burritos for dinner this week and still have let overs. So delicious.

5. I got pulled over for the first time EVER this week and received a wonderful $155 ticket. Thanks, New Hampshire State Police. I appreciate the warm welcome to your state!


Kara Marie said...

I hate tickets. I got one for not making a complete stop at a stop sign at a ROUNDABOUT. GRRRRRRR

It was almost $200. SUCK.

Also, I love that you love to dissect bodies.


Becca said...

I also would love that recipe!!!

Lisa said...

That sounds like the coolest pottery studio ever! We have one in Muskegon, but it's in the mall and you most certainly can not bring your own alcohol in unless you want to feel the wrath of the mighty Muskegon MALL COPS!!

Maggots? Gross. Did you gag while you were doing the autopsy? I'm gagging just thinking about. Clearly, this is why I do what I do and you do what you do.